Questions to Ask Yourself Prior to Shopping for Used Cars

When shopping for used cars, we know that the questions you ask us, as the dealer, are not nearly as important as the questions you ask yourself prior to you coming in. here are some of those essential questions that every potential car buyer should ask before entering our dealership doors.


What's My Budget? 

The first and most important question you must answer honestly for yourself is "What's my budget?" This one simple question will actually answer a lot of other questions for you. For example, if you have a smaller budget, the latest and greatest sports car probably won't work for you. Identify your ongoing expenses and the things that are important to your lifestyle and figure out how much you could spend on a vehicle and still fit within those constraints.

 What Do I Need A Car For? 

Are you looking for a commuter car that's easy on gas mileage, or are you carpooling kids and need a vehicle with extra seating? You might really love one car but realize that it won't fit your lifestyle. A large SUV is not going to make as great a commuter car as a compact car or smaller sedan will.

 What Are My Must-Have Items? 

In every car, there are some things that you must have and some things that you might want but would be willing to sacrifice for the right automobile. These must-haves will look different for everyone, so sit down and write out a list, being realistic about what you need and what you could possibly do without.


Finding the best used cars for your lifestyle and budget essentially boils down to asking yourself the right questions before going shopping. Keeping these questions in mind will help you avoid getting into a car that is not a good fit for you and will ensure you drive off the lot in the car that you love.

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