It's Alright to Tell Your Used Car Salesman the Truth

People who sell used cars have a reputation, and it isn't a good one. The title "used car salesman" conjures up images of cheap suits, greasy hair, and fake smiles. It's an occupation that has a negative stigma attached to it, and some of the games that have been played between buyers and sellers on car lots are legendary. You may feel that there are very good reasons for withholding your income and financial information for as long as possible. In this antagonistic environment, it can be hard to let your guard down, but there are reasons why a good salesman should be trusted.

Salesmen are Professionals

Most salesmen are business professionals with an incentive to provide you with excellent customer service. They are working hard in an industry that is highly competitive. Repeat business and referrals are critical to their success, and playing deceitful games with customers is not in their best interest. The only salesmen that last for any length of time have earned reputations for fair deals, but that doesn't stop most buyers from approaching them with suspicion.

Salesmen Have Helpful Knowledge

In order to serve you best, a car salesman must understand your needs. To do this, your trust must be earned. The relationship they work to developed with you is what puts you in a position to get the most out of the exchange. Without your cooperation, you are just making it harder on yourself. A good salesman makes suggestions that help you decide which auto purchase is the most advantageous for you.

The Final Deal Benefits You Both

As a buyer, you are working together with your salesman to produce a result that is mutually beneficial. You want to get the most out of your money. Every dollar you spend should be returned to you in the value of the vehicle you drive. A salesman needs to make certain you buy something that will satisfy your needs for as long as possible. From the salesman's perspective, getting it right the first time around is less costly than continuing to provide follow up service for unhappy customers. By cooperating together, you both win.

Experienced salesmen have seen it all before. Being coy with them signals that you are they type of buyer that wants to play games. Used cars are tricky enough. Instead of approaching your salesman with suspicion, try giving the benefit of the doubt.

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