In order to get a car loan, you have to show that you have an income. It's a good idea to bring pay stubs from the past few months or a copy of your tax returns from the previous two years. It's important that you bring in all sources of income, too. This means that if you receive self-employment on the side or receive alimony from a former spouse, you provide documentation.
Proof of ResidenceIt's important that you're able to prove that you're who you say you are. For this reason, bring in a piece of mail or another document that has your name and address on it so you can show that you live where you say you do.
Proof of InsuranceBefore you can acquire a car loan, you have to show that your insurance company knows about your new car. Provide proof of this when you come in for financing so we can approve your request for financing right away.
Remember not to leave home without these four things if you're interested in getting a car loan. This will make sure you're able to drive away in your new car without delay